Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace - 密技 遊戲中按倒退鍵,再輸入下列密碼: oldcode = Debug模式.輸入後為Debug 1,再輸入一次為Debug 2. happy = 3號武器威力增強並顯示Open your heart,再輸一次則出現Excellent meditating!並回復正常. from above = 俯視視角並顯示Get up on it,再輸一次則出現Get down ag'in並成背後視角. naughty naughty = 背後視角並顯示Behold my neck-spike,再輸一次則出現Blort!並回復正常. perf = 框頁開關. 60fps = 畫面更新速率為60,再輸入一次為30. but i feel so good = 推進力計量表顏色變成紅色並顯示You're the guy with the Force,再輸一次則出現Play nice並回復紫色. perfection = 自動開火攻擊並顯示Deadly force authorized,再輸入一次出現Nobody's perfect並回復正常. slowmo = 緩慢模式並顯示Super slowmo mode,再輸入一次則出現Normal mode並回復正常速度. beyond cinema = 寬螢幕視窗模式,再輸一次則出現Back to 'ol pan-n-scan並回復正常. turntables = 密技失效並顯示The tables have turned或No More Cheating for You,再輸一次則出現It was just a dream... OR WAS IT?!只有重新遊戲一途. i like to cheat = 得到所有武器並顯示You are now the biggest cheater in the world,2號武器彈藥加500,3號武器彈藥加500,4號武器彈藥加5,5號武器彈藥加1,6號武器彈藥加10. give me life = 生命值變成100,並顯示Rock on.只能使用5次,每次使用遊戲難度就會增加. heal it up = 生命值變成100,並顯示Rock on. where is gurshick = 檢視credits. gurshick = 檢視credits. brenando = 顯示Tech Bonus! rex = 選項視窗出現紅色線條,並顯示Feel the power of REX. iamqueen = 扮演Amidala皇后. iampanaka = 扮演Panaka隊長. iamquigon = 扮演Qui-Gon Jinn. iamobi = 扮演Obi-Wan Kenobi. i rule the world = 顯示Youd da Man. i really stink = 簡易模式,並顯示Skill Level Set to Weenie. fps = 顯示畫面更新速率. donttttt = 自殺,並顯示That's what you get for saying that. rrrrright = 自殺,並顯示That's what you get for saying that. kill me now = 自殺,並顯示DON'T DO IT MAN!!!!. drop a beat = 視窗振動,並顯示No, really, I feel fine,再輸入一次出現Back to reality並回復正常.