模擬城市 3000 Sim City 3000 - 密技 建造所有建築物: 1.開啟興建公共設施選項,選發電廠,再按右上角落的X符號關閉. 2.開啟設置城市/特別建築物選項,選獎賞與商機,再按右上角落的X符號關閉. 3.開啟興建公共設施選項,選垃圾處理,再按右上角落的X符號關閉. 4.最後開啟設置城市/特別建築物選項,選地標,你就可以在遊戲中建造所有建築物了. 在遊戲進行中同時按Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C,然後再鍵入下列密碼: i am weak = 建築所有的東西免費 i love red tape = 使所有條例變成有效的 stop forcing advice = 停止建言 force Mortimer to say = 未知 force Moe to say = 未知 force Constance to say = 未知 force Maria to say = 未知 force Randall to say = 未知 force Gus to say = 未知 force Karen to say = 未知 force petitioners to say = 未知 garbage in, garbage out = 擁有所有的垃圾系統 power to the masses = 擁有所有的電力系統 water in the desert = 擁有所有的水利系統 pay tribute to your king = 馬上獲得遊戲中獎勵的建築物 call cousin Vinnie = 會議視窗中有人會捐獻$100,000給您 zyxwvu = 先拒絕上一個密技的捐獻,然後再使用這個密碼,獎勵選單裡面會出現一座城堡,可讓附近土地上漲 let's make a deal = Neighbor/Business Deal(s) offered. Load terrain = Load grayscale picture as terrain Salt on = 改變水源成鹹水 Salt off = 改變水源成淨水 Terrain one up = 改變地型成高地 Terrain one down = 改變地型成窪地 Terrain ten up = 改變地型成高地 Terrain ten down = 改變地型成窪地 nerdz rool = 高科技工業 打入下列密碼會出現各種有趣的信息: broccoli = "Sorry, Money Doesn't Grow On Broccoli" porntipsguzzardo = "Aha! We Have A Real Pro Here! Try BROCCOLI" bat = "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da BAT-man!" scurk = "If You Build It, They Will Come" llama = "The Llama Is A Quadruped" easter egg = "Duo Ragazzi's Easter Egg Palace: Old World Charm In A Post Modern Setting" sim = "If You Lived Here, You'd Be A Sim" help = "Dozens Of Hidden News Ticker Reveals; Sims Encouraged To Collect Them All And Amaze Friends" will wright = "What Will He Think Of Next?" erts = "Investment Tip: Buy Low, Sell High" electronic arts = "Not Just Sports Games Anymore" ticker = " Picayune: The Finest In Scrolling Entertainment" money = "Money Does NOT Grow On Trees, Study Concludes" simcity = "Keep Trying And Maybe You'll Figure It Out" simon says hello = "Greetings Mayor, Your Sims Salute You" mayor = "Mayor brings To News Ticker Highlight" sc3k = "Mayor Suspected Of Attempting Embezzlement; Ends In Failure" 1234 = "Secret Number Combination Causes Announcement In News Ticker" maxis = "Did you know that MAXIS spelled backwards is SIX AM?" moremoney = "MOREMONEY Not Cheat Code, Research Concludes" advisor = "Mayor Under Investigation For Possible Embezzlement" fund = "FUND Not A Cheat Code, Do Not Type MOREMONEY, It Is Not A Cheat Code Either" 在遊戲暫停中鍵入CHEATERCHEATERWIMPWIMP,可得到更多的credits.