極速快感: 致命追擊 Need for Speed: High Stakes - 密技 Mini-Game Easter Egg: To get to it,simply start the game,click credits icon.Change the credits display from text,to photos at the top,then when you see a photo start to click on them over and over until they stop, and you will enter a minigame called "Click the photo".A photo will pop up somewhere on the grid of someone in the photos,and you must click on them as fast as you can to score points.The minigame keeps high score,so you can always come back and flash your record to your friends. 在選單輸入下列密碼: 註:請先下載修正程式. ARCADE MODE: TR00-15 = 駕駛原本在路邊通行的車輛(00-15隨便選一個) GOFAST = 引擎馬力加大 MONKEY = Upgrade Automatic Transmission MOON = 地心引力減少(飛車時最明顯) MADLAND = Super Human Opponent racers SKYVIEW = Helicopter Camera CAREER MODE: BUY = 免費購買車輛(先選要買的車子,再輸入buy,按back...後就發現已經擁有它了) UP0 = 一級都沒過(輸入密碼後,按Enter Circuit或Continue Circuit進入比賽,在Load一半時就會直接跳過.有時會當機) UP1 = 通過第一級(同上) UP2 = 通過第二級(同上) UP3 = 通過第三級(同上) GATES = 加$5000000 HOT PURSUIT MODE: DCOP = Bonus Hot Pursuit Car ECOP = Bonus Hot Pursuit Car FCOP = Bonus Hot Pursuit Car OTHER: ACAR = Bonus Car BCAR = Bonus Car CCAR = Bonus Car CARS = All Cars TRACKS = All Tracks ALLTIERS = Open All Tiers OUTMYWAY = 讓其他車輛毀壞(按Esc鍵來暫停遊戲,再輸入密碼,按喇叭就會使其他車輛毀壞) RESETYA = 讓其他車輛重來(按Esc鍵來暫停遊戲,再輸入密碼,按喇叭就會使其他車輛重新啟動)